Hello Shopper,
The below shop is currently available in your area:
2003 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95825
Shops need to be completed by Nov 19, 2011. The pay for shop is $10.00 plus a $5.00 bonus via PayPal. Payment is issued approximately two weeks – four weeks after completed an accepted shop/report.
Shopper Guidelines: You will be inquiring about a new car stereo for your car. You must have a vehicle with you during this shop. You will need to take an exterior photo of the store an upload it to the report. You will make a phone call prior to the visit to verify store hours. The shop must be performed during these hours: Mon-Sat: 9am-7pm.
Please send me an email let me know by what date you can complete the shop by. Then I will direct you where to register. Shopper may not perform this shop again for 60 days.
Thank you,
Frances Massengale, Scheduler
Palm Scheduling Services
Register to shop with Palm Scheduling Services here:
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