Hello there,
It's been a bit, and I wanted to send out my blast again for anyone interested in using me as a donor.
I am looking to pass along my genes for future generations, and would willingly give my sperm to anyone out there who wants a baby.
I am drug/disease free with documentation and regular testing to prove so, no major health problems or congenital defects, not in a relationship of any kind, and would gladly provide my sperm to a) a woman who wants a baby but doesn't want a man in her life, b) a lesbian couple, or c) a man/woman couple who is otherwise unable to get pregnant.
I would not have unprotected sex with anyone while I am trying to get you pregnant, and I would not be involved in your child's life after conception. The only thing I would ask is a picture of the baby, and I might give a small gift, but nothing beyond that. I am willing to get you pregnant by AI (providing fresh sperm to you for insertion) or NI (sexual intercourse) until I get you pregnant. You must be drug/disease free, and if you are married or in a relationship, I will need your partner's consent. You would also need to sign a legal agreement saying you/your partner will not try to come after me for child support, and I would sign an agreement saying I would not come back years later into your/your partner's child's life.
I am willing to do a confidential donor agreement (I will remain unknown to the child always), or a known donor agreement (if the child wants to look me up when they are 18, they can). Other than that and what I have mentioned previously, there would be no involvement between me and your child. For lesbian couples, I am willing to impregnate you both, whichever method you wish. Regardless of your marital/couple situation, if you are happy with the child I give you and want a sibling who is genetically identical, I would be willing to provide you with another child if I am still a donor at the time you contact me again. If there is anything you want terms/conditions wise in the agreement, I'm willing to add that in.
There are no costs involved, although if you wished for me to donate (whichever method) and required travel/lodging for me to do so, I would expect that to be covered. I don't mind traveling. I may ask for the full, or 1/2, of a filing fee for filing the agreement we make with our recorder(s) of deeds.
I want to make a difference in this world, and I believe that difference is giving someone the gift of a child with my sperm. Please contact me today if you are interested, and we can meet somewhere public to determine if I am a good fit for your needs.
I'm in the process of creating a web page as well, so keep your eyes open.
[from ML: from the welcome message:
"The main reason I run this group is because I believe that
donor-conceived people have a basic right to know who their genetic
father is, so I always advise against totally anonymous donation.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] AI and NI Donor Available in St. Louis, Missouri