Hello, We are looking for a donor for only ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION that is willing to travel to central indiana 4 days a month. We are a young couple, 21 and 28 and live in a house and both have decent income. We are wanting proof of negative STD results and wanting to get to know who we are dealing with to be safe. Nothing to extensive we just want it to be as safe and smooth as possible. Please email us at austinmusick84@yahoo.com if you are willing to help us out. The reason we cannot concieve is my fiance had got sick and his sperm count diminished. Please someone help us!!!! It's our only option.... Thank you so much....
[from ML:
Your fiance may be interested in these links:
Friday, January 13, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] DONOR needed in central Indiana ASAP