Monday, January 2, 2012

[FreeSpermDonors] I'm a tall AI donor based in New York City


I stand over 6'3" tall, have strawberry blond hair, weigh about 180 pounds, have never smoked or taken drugs, am in excellent health, and hold degrees from several top universities in engineering and law. My sperm was tested in the past year at the behest of a friend (a reasonable request at age 52). My sperm count is high, with excellent motility and morphology. And I have documentation of recent STD testing (all negative).

I make my sperm available for as long as is required to the mentally and physically healthy woman who I think would make a great mother, taking into account her social, economic, and other circumstances. This offer is for AI, and as I doubt shipping works all that well, this means that we would need to meet one another (which is a good idea under any circumstances). I am willing to travel about the New York region, as well as much further afield should the recipient be willing to arrange it.

If my ad interests you, please write back with a paragraph of two of self-description.

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