Saturday, January 14, 2012

RE: [SAHM] need ideas


Hi Cherrie,

Cleaning out my emails, I found your post. Have you found something to earn
you an income yet?

I have two ideas. One is low cost to start. The other can be no cost to

I'm a real person who would like to have a real conversation with another
real person with no pressure.

If you are still in need, please call me and let's talk.

Susan Hilferty

In Maryland


[] On Behalf Of cherrie j
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 6:45 PM
Subject: [SAHM] need ideas

So I lost my job last week. I have in the past sold Cookie Lee Jewelry,
Gold Canyon Candles, and Avon. I'm looking for a business I can really sink
my teeth into, something I can stand behind, and preferably with a low to
little start up cost as since I have no job I can't spend a lot. Maybe
something that not everyone and their grandmother is selling, but still
something people want. any ideas?



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