With offices throughout the nation and established over 50 years, WIS
International, is hiring part time experienced merchandisers for store
resets. Multiple stores, multiple dates. Project specific work with more
work to follow .Excellent opportunity for the right candidates. Requirements
include current driver's license with a clean driving record, Digital
camera and ability to upload photos to the website, Home computer to report
work daily, and the ability to read and follow a POG. Competitive hourly
rate based on experience will be discussed with the Manager and travel wages
paid after a commuting deduction. DMV check is required. Drug testing and
Background check may be required for some positions. If this sounds like the
perfect job for you, come learn more, join our team. Email a detailed
summary of your experience or resume. EOE
Las Vegas, NV
Mary Benoit
WIS Recruiting
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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