Saturday, August 11, 2012

[FreeSpermDonors] AI / PI donor in Indiana [available]


Hi, I am in West Lafayette, near Indianapolis, IN and looking to help a single woman or couple. Caucasian, 35, good looking, tall, trim, athletic, well-educated alumnus of Purdue U. I might be a good choice for you if you would appreciate an intelligent well-behaved child who will respect you as parents and be responsible. When I was young I never had to be told to clean my room, do chores or do my homework. I always took responsibility for myself. I do, however, believe that a child deserves to get an honest answer when he/she asks who their biological dad is even if it's just for medical or curiosity reasons. Open to co-parenting or being a friend-of-the-family relationship. Clean on STD tests and will show results. Very high sperm count. I have purposefully deferred having children until I was financially secure because ultimately a father is responsible for his children if help is needed, and now I am happy to pursue the endeavor of helping a quality recipient create a beautiful and healthy child. Proximity to my area is preferred but willing to work with distance if there is a really good match.

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