Tuesday, November 5, 2013

[SAHM] Mystery Shop at Fast Food Location in Bolivar, MO


Project needing completion TODAY (November 5th) during DAYLIGHT hours (for photos).

Some details:

1)     $11 project payment + $2 purchase reimbursement (something small, just to get a receipt) + $20.00 additional dollars for helping last minute on your first project.

2)     Revealed audit of location – building style, window counts, etc.

3)     You will call location beforehand as a courtesy to let the manager know you are coming. If you can't get a hold of manager, just go in.


The audit is 91 questions long, but it's all multiple choice/check-box so it's a lot easier than it looks. You will essentially just go down the list like a checklist.


Fast Food Location - Revealed Merchandising Survey Program 2013

Bolivar, MO 65613

How to Sign Up:


**This is completely free, we do not charge a fee to apply or work for our company.**

To apply, go to http://www.trendsource.com/msi/agent.aspx

1.       Click "BECOME AN AGENT" and fill out the online Application. 

After applying, you'll get an email that will let you log on to our applicant site to request shops. You could also email me directly at jmandig@tredsource.com so I can engage you as a Field Agent so you may begin projects. 

Jessica Mandig

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