I just confirmed my very first ever pregnancy a few days ago, and
while cautious, am absolutely on cloud nine!
I found an amazing, wonderfully accomodating donor through this group,
and after what seemed like forever, but was ONLY four cycles (three
cycles with clomid), we are finally given the chance to become parents!!
What worked was using Instead Cups to hold the donation against the
cervix for about 12 hours, and mixing in about 1.5ml of pure, straight-
from-the-carton, room temperature egg whites. I had my doubts about
the egg white method, but now I'm happy I tried it!
It's still very early, but my darling fiancé and I are thrilled:
thanks to this group, I am going to be a mommy, and he's going to be a
daddy! He was worse than me....he had to call everyone he knows
immediately! ;)
Thank you again to the administrators for making this group possible,
and most of all, to our wonderful donor!
A million lifetimes of thanks cannot ever fully express our gratitude.
Sent from my iPhone
[FQ, moderator: Congratulations! It's lovely to hear, :)
By the way, our sister site - http://freespermdonorregistry.com/ has now a donor references forum, where women who have conceived can provide a referral for an identified donor - including things like how long it took and method, which are of course interest to other recipients, who might be considering this or that donor. Please do take a look! http://freespermdonorregistry.com/index.php?option=com_kunena&func=showcat&catid\
\=91&Itemid=37 ]
Friday, May 27, 2011
[FreeSpermDonors] Another success!!