Thursday, September 22, 2011

[SAHM] New High-end Hotel Check-In Shop Locations Available! - No Overnight Required


Hello Shoppers,

B Business Solutions is looking for reliable and motivated shoppers to complete some high end Hotel Check-In Evaluations. An overnight stay is not required. The pay is good.

You need to register as a shopper at and you need to be able to upload a couple of photos to the report. The report is fairly easy and does not require a lot of commentary.

Let me know when you have registered so I can process your shopper application and send you some additional details.

Available Locations:

02111 Boston, MA
02128 Boston, MA
02139 Cambridge, MA
02840 Newport, RI
10017 New York, NY
11788 Hauppauge, NY
14202 Buffalo, NY
14604 Rochester, NY
15231 Pittsburgh, PA
19102 Philadelphia, PA
19106 Philadelphia, PA
21202 Baltimore, MD (2 shops)
21613 Cambridge, MD
45202 Cincinnati, OH (2 shops)
60018 Rosemont, IL
60532 Lisle, IL
60601 Chicago, IL
63102 St. Louis, MO
78251 San Antonio, TX
87102 Albuquerque, NM
94111 San Francisco, CA
94133 San Francisco, CA
96756 Koloa Kauai, HI
96761 Lahaina Maui, HI
T2G 5P6 Calgary, AB
H5B 1E5 Montreal, QB
M5R 2E8 Toronto, ON
M5V 1J9 Toronto, ON
Trinadad - Port of Spain

Joanna Frye
Independent Scheduler (on behalf of B Business Solutions)

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