Friday, October 28, 2011

[SAHM] EASY Madras, OR shop - $15 pay plus $30 bonus!


Hi Shoppers,
I'm looking for a reliable shopper who can complete an urgent bank shop in Madras, OR. This shop requires you to sit down with a banker and inquire about a business checking account (you can make up any business you'd like to run) and fill out an online report on your experience. This shop pays $15 plus a $30 bonus! I need the shop done TODAY 10/28 or MONDAY 10/31 only.

If you can save the day please register with us at and email me back how soon you could shop, thanks!

Tracy Z
KSS International, Inc.
Never pay to mystery shop. With KSS it's free to register, free to search our job board and free to take on shops!
Facebook - KSSTracyZ

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