Wednesday, January 11, 2012

[SAHM] Bar or brewery restaurant shops for La Jolla or San Diego


Hello Shoppers,

Palm Scheduling has bar shops available in beautiful La Jolla, CA, and brewery restaurant shops for La Jolla & San Diego. Must be 21 or over (no children).

For the below shops: You will fax or scan receipts. Report is entered on line. Payment is made via check or PayPal within 60 days of the shop.

Shops to be conduct starting January 12 through January 28, 2012. If you are RELIABLE, and interested in doing this shop, in the email subject line write "Bar Shop – La Jolla" and please email ALL this information in this exact order to:

Full Name:
Date(s) to shop:
Contact Phone #S:
Email Address:
PayPal Address:
Address of location:
Indicate (Outside or Inside)

Pay is: $20.00 for report, bar reimbursement for drinks up to $50.00
No reimbursement for food or parking.

Inside 1250 Prospect St. La Jolla, CA. 92037 Bar only after 7:30pm to 9:00pm

Outside Terrace 1250 Prospect St. La Jolla, CA. 92037 Bar only after 7:30pm to 9:00pm

Also available are a few restaurant brewery shops. For the shops below shoppers are to be age 21 through 55 years of age.

Lunch in the dining area: Report pay is $5.00 and reimbursement up to $75.00 food/drink
Dinner at Bar: Report pay is $10.00 and reimbursement up to $75.00. Alcohol is a required purchase.

Shops locations are:
1044 Wall Street La Jolla CA 92037 for Lunch. Dates available are Jan 12, 23, 24,25,or 26

9675 Scranton Road San Diego CA 92126 for Dinner at the bar after 6:30. Dates available are Jan 13, 16, 17, 18, or 20

REMEMBER; please follow the instructions outlined above. If you are assigned a location you receive further instructions via email and you must confirm receive the instructions. We appreciate you support.

Thank you,
Frances Massengale, Scheduler
Palm Scheduling Services
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