Wednesday, January 11, 2012

[SAHM] Long Branch, NJ - night club


Palm Scheduling Services, on behalf of Service Savvy is scheduling shops in Long Branch, NJ. 
Requirements for all shoppers:
* Must be able to complete the survey in a professional manner
* Must be 21 or over

We are looking for shoppers that can give a 100% commitment. If you are not sure that you can complete the assignment, please do not request it.
Shops available:
Night club shops with reimbursement of up to $75.00 (cover charges, drinks, tips….) 
Dates for the night club visit are Jan 13,14, 21 or 22  after 11pm
Address of location is:  23 Ocean Avenue Long Branch, NJ 07740
Please email when applying for this assignment please include:
First and last name:
Contact Phone Number:
Your Email Address:
Date available to shop:
Indicate address of location you are applying for:
If you are applying for this ssignment, place the words "Long Branch, NJ "on the subject heading of your email. I will direct you where to register. I look forward to working with you.

Thank you,
Frances Massengale, Scheduler
Palm Scheduling Services
Register to shop with Palm Scheduling Services here:
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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