Do you think $35 can't change your life? Think again.
If you are reading this, someone cares about you and wants to help!
You are being invited to join a community of "Like-minded" people who want to bless each other with cash gifts.
I know you are probably skeptical of cash gifting programs. But I can assure you that this is not a scam or illegal.
And you are probably saying to yourself... those don't work, been there done that, etc.
But let's put those fears to rest.
I am sure you have given a birthday, wedding, Christmas, or graduation card with cash in it.
Do think that was illegal? Were you scared to do that? No...
Because it is not illegal.
This is NOT a business, Get Rich Quick, Ponzi scheme, MLM, Pyramid, 2-up, 2-down
or anything like that.
It is very simply a group of caring, like-minded people who gift one another with no expectations.
You give a gift of $25.
For Your Chance To Receive 6 Gifts = $150.
You give a gift of $50.
For Your Chance To Receive 6 Gifts = $300.
You give a gift of $100.
For Your Chance To Receive 6 Gifts = $600.
You give a gift of $250.
For Your Chance To Receive 6 Gifts = $1500.
You give a gift of $500.
For Your Chance To Receive 6 Gifts = $3000.
You give a gift of $1000.
For Your Chance To Receive 6 Gifts = $6000.
You give a gift of $2000.
For Your Chance To Receive 6 Gifts = $12000.
You give a gift of $5000.
For Your Chance To Receive 6 Gifts = $30,000.
You also get 2 "Bonus Positions" to get gifted all over again EVERY time you enter the center of ANY level board! This allows you to get INFINITE gifts from your teams efforts and allows you to help those who have helped you by making it a VERY fast paced Community. This theory and design is what over 38,000 Members and Leaders alike are excited about and we will continue to grow each and every day.
Individual results vary due to your integrity, following the design, networking and learning abilities. If you apply yourself and do what the Leaders have done and are currently doing, there is no way for failure. Everyone's pace is different in accordance to what you put in here and all move at their own pace and have the controls to change their futures here with our activity.
We are a Cash Gifting Community that gives gifts with no expectations.
At the end, you could receive Cash Gifts at each level from Like-Mined people that just want to help those in need.
And ALL of those gifts could add up to an amount of money that the FTC will not allow me to state.
No monthly fees of hidden costs, no products or inventory, no selling or marketing, no business meetings, no presentations, no traveling, just simply giving!
I can hear you thinking "this is too good to be true"?
If you don't believe it, do the math for yourself.
This works because of the premise...
That all who are invited into the community, help two more people as well.
"A-ha there's the catch!" you say.
But would it really be hard to gift someone you love or care about into the program?
Do you know someone who has a birthday? Everyone does! Give your gift early (or late).
Or how about Christmas? Would you spend $25 on a gift they might not like?
Or, how about the neighbor down the street who is in the unemployment line or has health issues and can't pay their bills?
Just think of the joy it would bring them, with no cost to them at all!
Wouldn't you love to "Pay It Forward" a gift that keeps on giving?
Have you ever given a gift to someone that would bless them by receiving 64 cash gifts?
And who wouldn't want this gift? Think of the lives that you could change!
You still might be thinking "it has to be a scam". But, who is getting scammed?
The gifts are being sent to other individuals just like you!
There are no other costs involved?
Expect a small $10 one-time donation to the website Administrators*.
* This is not necessary if you do not want to use the website to track your progress.
And even if this truly was a scam, what is the worst that could happen to you . . . .
You would be out the $25. Not even a night out! Have you ever bought a lottery ticket?
But you would have a feeling of generosity when the person that received the gift calls you on the phone to thank you for the generous thing you did. Giving them a small gift of $25.
Now, if you could use some extra money in your pocket and can think of someone who could,
then enter your Name, Email and Phone Number above and I will send you a personal invitation to this private community.
Still not sure? Click Here: "IRS Pub 950 – Intro to Estate and Gift Taxes".
Cash Gifting is perfectly legal and Tax-Free!!
(tax free up to the annual exclusion amount and even after that cash gifting is still legal)!
If you accept this personal invitation...
You start with a one-time out-of-pocket $25 gift to a community member
and a one-time $10 donation to the website Administrators*.
* not necessary if you do not want to use the website to track your progress.
Enter Your Name, Email and Phone Number in the form above
to get Your Exclusive Invitation to this Private Cash Gifting Community!
You are being Invited by: Peggy Moore
Poverty is a state of mind! In order to get what you've never had
you have to do what you've never done. YOUR FINANCIAL FREEDOM is
just a click away. Do you believe that you deserve it!?
Peggy Moore 662-456-6384
It is available worldwide:
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see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
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