Hello Mom's
Im writing to inquire if anyone would like to be a beta tester for a fun new website that uniquely combines social gaming with e-commerce. This site was developed with women in mind. It's a place where you can go and escape for a little while from your hectic lives and have some fun playing your favorite video poker games and win real money to shop in our one-of-a-kind branded shopping mall.
We are looking for 500 beta players to try out the site over about a 60 day period and give us their honest feedback before we launch "live" to the public.
Simply go to www.play2shop.com and sign up to recieve your invitation. (Important note: Emails are used for invitations only. They are NEVER sold or shared, period.) We also made it very easy for you to share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.
Each beta player will recieve a special gift as well as VIP status and other perks for their participation.
If anyone would like more information before signing up, or would like to see a demo of the site, please go to www.play2shop.info and click demo.
I guarantee you'll have hours of fun playing the games, the money you can win is REAL, and the shopping experience is like nothing else on the web.
If you need any additional information, dont hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns.
Thanks very much for your time and consideration,
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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