Tuesday, May 3, 2011

[SAHM] BBQ Carryout Mystery shops - COLORADO


The Sentry Marketing Group is now scheduling CARRYOUT food shops.

We are looking for dedicated, attentive and detailed mystery shoppers. This restaurant serves BBQ items and savory sides.

What is this shop about?

* Shopper will be required to go and place an order for carryout. Shopper will be required to evaluate customer service and general cleanliness as well as evaluate the food ordered.

Restrictions for shop:

Lunch carryout between 11:30 AM - 2 PM
Dinner carryout between 6PM - 8 PM


* Up to $20 reimbursement Pays $5

How to Apply for shop:

Before asking for the shop, you must make sure you are signed up with Sentry Marketing. We currently have an easy, 2 step-sign up process. You will first need to visit www.sentrymarketing.com click on Prospective Evaluators. After you have done that, you will be sent an email that you were accepted and to proceed to the second part of the application. This process should take no time at all.

After you have signed up, email jennifer@sentrymarketing.com with CARRYOUT shop in the SUBJECT line, and include the follow information:



Aurora CO
Broomfield CO 80020
Colorado Springs CO 80920
Denver CO 80238
Ft. Collins CO 80538
Grand Junction CO 81505

Happy Shopping and Hope to hear from you!

Thank you,

Jennifer Barrick, Scheduler/Editor

Catch me on GOOGLE TALK IM - Username: SMGJen
Catch me on SKYPE IM - Username - wisegrasshopper


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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