Hey donors!
We are a lesbian couple, both 29 years old... looking to start our family. We have several donors but they are located across the US, and because of that, we've been unable to arrange the insemination for more than one unsuccessful attempt. We're looking for someone local that will be around for several attempts, if the need arises.
Ideally, we will find a donor that has my features, and my wife will carry. We'd love a donor with dark hair, olive skin, and hazel eyes (partially Italian would be amazing).
We are a loving, successful, educated couple.... that has been ready to start a family for a while. We had originally wanted our friends to be donors, but because it's been such a hard thing to arrange, we're opening up our search.
This will not be a natural insemination (if you think you are going to have sex with my wife you are out of your mind!!).. but it WILL be an at-home procedure. as in, here's a cup- go do your thing in it. I have the materials needed and have talked to several doctors and fertility clinics about procedure...
Please respond if you think you could be a match, and we'll exchange photos and all that-- we don't mind traveling around on the east coast if necessary.
Thank you for reading!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
[FreeSpermDonors] Over 5 years married lesbian couple for Sperm donor near Massachusetts