Hello Shoppers~
On behalf of B Business Solutions, Star Scheduling is offering auto service shops, which are available for immediate assignment. The reports are not hard and the reimbursement is up to $75.
• The service you request must require that the car be raised on the rack
• You need to call the location and make a firm appointment time
If you are interested in this assignment, please follow the instructions below.
• Email me at joanna@starscheduling.com with "auto shop" in the subject line.
• Please include your name, email address, phone number, the location(s) you are interested in.
Available Locations:
20151 Chantilly
20155 Gainesville
20166 Sterling
22032 Fairfax
22046 Falls Church
22182 Vienna
22206 Arlington
Thank you in advance for your help with this project, and I look forward to working with you!
Joanna Frye – Star Scheduling
On Behalf of B Business Solutions
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