Friday, October 7, 2011

[FreeSpermDonors] NI Sperm Donor Available in England (UK)


If any lady, married or single, would like help getting pregnant, then I can help.

I only help through NI, if this isn't for you, then good luck with another donor.

I have just helped a married lady from Stoke on Trent, and she has just confirmed her pregnancy to me, so I am now available to help someone else.

If i can help, let me know, but I only donate through NI, and have a 100% success rate that way, and I want no involvement at all after conception.

However, I dont mind helping you again, should you want more children, using me, again, as your donor.

I work away from home all week, all over England, monday through friday. Work takes me along the A14, A12, M25, M1, M6, etc.

My sperm count is:

Vol 5.4 (should be 2)

ph 8.3 (normal)

Concentration 78.8 million (should be above 20mill)

Progessive motility 84% (should be above 50%)

Normal Forms 75% (should be above 15%)

Motile normal sperm conc 8.47 (should be above 1.5)

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