I was able to get it to load. It also let me select something to start and
To get new customer -
Did you get a tote bag that says Mark on it? Keep a couple magalogs and
samples in it and carry it around. If you don't have that can you get (or
earn from you upline or manager) a tote bag that you can put pictures in?
Put the Mark logo and an pictures of some of the products in some of the
Let your friends and neighbors know you are selling Mark.
Offer your current customers a gift or discount for referring a friend who
places an order.
Good luck.
On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 10:49 AM, Leslie Waddell <isellmark73@yahoo.com>wrote:
> **
> I am a mark rep. I am trying to get my name out and get new customers.
> Anyone have any ideas. Also please check to see if my website is working a
> lady tried today and it would not load.
> Leslie Waddell
> Mark Rep
> http://lesliewaddell.mymarkstore.com/
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tina Lewis
Independent Sales Rep.
Contact me if you would like to buy or Sell Avon
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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