Tuesday, December 6, 2011

[FreeSpermDonors] Jewish sperm donor available, AI, London UK


am end-40s, a medical doctor, Jewish (Ashkenasi) and married with 3 children of my own, based in London, UK. Lookwise I have black hair and green eyes, but am heterozygote for child blonde* hair and blue eyes - approx half the children look that way.

I do think children are fun, and enrich life, and so would be happy to donate to a lesbian couple, hetero couple or someone single. I am 165cm/70kg, with black hair and green/brown eyes. I also enjoy travel.

The last success through artificial insemination (AI) was 2.5 weeks ago, before that there was 1 in September, 1 in August, 1 in June and 4 in April - 2 in the 1st week of April, 2 in the 2nd, and both inside a 24h window. Of the 8, 4 were intracervical insemination (speculum and pipette), the other 4 standard intravaginal insemination with a syringe. Two on 1st cycle, 4 on 2nd, 1 on 4th and 1 on 5th. If interested, please mail me at navevi04@yahoo.co.uk

Kind regards, Frank (FQ)

*Child blonde is when someone has really light blonde hair at 1-3 years, but it darkens somewhat to dark blonde/brown as they grow older, :-)

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