Tuesday, December 6, 2011

[FreeSpermDonors] NI Donor available in New Jersey


I am a 35 year old married donor w/3 healthy children and 1 on the way. I have successfully donated NI 3 out of 3 times to help others. I have blonde hair, blue eyes and stand 6ft-2in. I am caucasian with a mix of German, Dutch, Italian, and Native America Indian. My ancestry traces back to the royal family of Holland and I am in possession of the family scroll that traces that heritage. I have a high IQ (130s) and run a successful consulting business. I have an education in Mechanical Engineering and work in Technology. I am willing to donate N/I for as-long-as it takes to be successful. I am not looking to co-parent. So if you need my help, or have more questions, or would like a pic and my number, Feel free to contact me at my email above.

Thanks and best wishes


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