Hello, After reading your message I wanted to contact you. I used to be a State employee until last July when I was laid off. I was in the same boat you are in and I wanted to tell you about a very serious business offer with a rock solid 19 yr old company that is partnered with the FBI and has an A+ BBB rating. I joined after the doctors told me I can't do physical labor anymore. My education is useless in the US because my creditentials are foriegn. I studied abroad for business admin. So self-employment is my only opion to staying sain. Anyways, you can find out everything you need to know about this self-employment opportunity by visiting the position overview page.
I've tried a lot of business ideas but this one is by far the best I've ever seen. I was making money before I was out of training. The best part is there is no frontloading or door knocking. I think you will love this one. I know I do.
Even if it's not what you are looking for I wish you luck in your search. I've seen a lot of great offers out there.
Have a Great Day,
--- In Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com, Amanda Roberts <amroberts8585@...> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I worked in the corporate world for 12 years. I am been laid off from my job for almost 2months and have not found an other. I really want to try something new I can do from home and make money while I spend more time with my children. Ages, 1, 2.5 and 5 months.
> Please Help! I'm so stressed, tired of going to interviews with no hope. No one is calling back. We are really struggling as a family and it is affecting my ability to deal with my children. I'm taking most of my frustration on them ( not physically) just emotionaly, yelling at them when I shouldn't and being moody most of the time. I am in tears while Im typing this.
> Please Help. I have tried a few stay at home jobs, but they were sooooo stressful and just scams. I want to try something that will actually work and finally make me money to support our family.
> Happy Thanksgiving.
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