40 WM willing to donate sperm through NI AI OR PI.
Ddf very good medical and family history .
Brown hair hazel eyes.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] Willing to help (donate) in Oklahoma through NI, PI or AI
[SAHM] Great Dinning shops in NY, NJ and PA
Hello Shoppers:
Palm Scheduling Services, on behalf of Service Savvy is scheduling Japanese Steakhouse shops and casual dining restaurants that offer various sea foods, hibachi steaks, various entrees, desserts, or about anything you would like to order. These are Dine-in and take-out shops in NJ, NY and PA, with generous reimbursements for the month of July.
Service Savvy handles all reports through an on line reporting system called Sassie. You must have a Service Savvy Sassie account for us to be able to set your information up for you. If you have not shopped for Service Savvy before go to http://www..servicesavvy.com/ and click the pen shaped icon at the top of the screen marked "Registration" to create an account immediately.
Please do not apply for same location you have completed in the past four months.
* Reimbursement for shops:
Dinner with Bottle of Wine…up to $125
Hibachi Steakhouse…up to $70
Take-Out...up to $40
These are reimbursement only shops.
We are looking for shoppers that can give a 100% commitment. If you are not sure that you can complete the assignment, please do not request it.
New York
8814 4th Ave Brooklyn NY 12209
23A Nelson Ave Staten Island NY 10308
300 Father Capodanno Blvd. Staten Island NY 10305
New Jersey
986 Route 9 South Parlin NJ 08859
1230 Route 22 West Mountainside NJ 07092
2329 Lincoln Hwy E Langhorne PA 19047
When applying for an assignment please include:
Full Name:
Phone #s:
Email Address:
The specific date that you can shop:
Location(s) you wish to shop:
If available for one of these assignments, email jackforpss@yahoo.com with the information on the subject line "July Dinning shop." along with the town you are requesting.
Thank you,
Jack Massengale
Palm Scheduling Services
Visit this FB page to find more jobs or list where you shop!
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
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[FreeSpermDonors] looking for AI in Las Vegas area
Looking for a sperm donor who is willing to do AI only will provide shipping material if interested.
[FreeSpermDonors] eastern PA donor available
young, single, caucasian male looking to help a woman or couple conceive in Montgomeryville area of PA (just north of Philadelphia).
healthy, discreet, willing to provide stats. prefer NI, but willing to discuss.
[SAHM] Re: New To The Group
Hi Amanda!
Welcome to our group! You certainly stay busy! I to have several streams of income.
You said that you were looking for work as well. I'm sending you some information for you to consider.
Please take a moment to watch this 11 minute video. It was created to help you better understand this great opportunity.
Then (if you're interested of course ;) )
Please click on the links below and sign up. Scroll down and you will see the sign up option. Don't worry about the "offers that you have not met" yet, I will explain all that to you. This is the registration process. Just sign up with your name, password, address etc. When you sign up for the second one, it will ask you if you want to extend the first site to the second one, say yes. The first site is called "starter". The second site is called "60". Please let me know once you have signed up, so that I can explain the process to you on the phone. You can email me or feel free to give me a call at 413.642.1821.
Register -
Commission Upgrade -
Warm regards,
--- In Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com, "Silverio4475" <asilverio1975@...> wrote:
> Hello my name is Amanda and I live in Newark NY. I am a mother of 3 girls ages 15, 7, 5. I have been divorced for 2 yrs. My girls and I live in my hometown.
> I wanted to let you know what kind of things I am involved and hope to see you around....
> Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ASilverio1975
> Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/asforeveryhome
> My Companies:
> Amanda's Country Store
> Website: http://amandazcountrystore.com/
> Fan Page On Facebook https://www.facebook.com/amandasbargainshop
> My Travel Expression:
> Website: http://mytravelexpressions.info/
> Fan Page On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mytravelexpression
> Avon: http://www.youravon.com/amandasilverio
> Fan Page On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Avon-With-Amanda/199385470180966
> Also having a At Home America Party
> I am taking orders so I can become a At Home America. Could you please help me earn my 300.00 kit. Here is a pic of May Deals. http://alturl.com/4p272
> Also Looking for work as well.
> Personal Assistant
> Not enough hours in the day to get that entire task done? Emails and documents piling up and feeling overwhelmed? Stressed over the growing task, missed appointments and missed deadlines? Don despair Amanda to the rescue.
> Your Personal Assistant available with years of experience in:
> • Email management
> • Data entry
> • Data Management
> • Appointment Setting
> • Travel Arrangements
> • Your personal assistant/receptionist for all your calls, email, data management and so more!
> Look no further let me help you get organized and back on track. Contact me today for free quote and let’s get you organized and back on track tomorrow!
> Thanks so much for lettin me join If you would like to email me you can do that at asilverio1975@...
> Thanks
> Amanda
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
Subscribe to the Dot Com Mommies Work At Home Job's newsletter
by going to www.dotcommommies.com
[FreeSpermDonors] Tall, Blue-Eyed Sperm Donor Available in Seattle Area
I'm a healthy, successful donor living in Seattle who is willing to donate to you to make your dream of having a baby come true. I have blue eyes, light brown hair, and am 6'2", 190 lbs. I'm well educated, intelligent and healthy. I don't smoke or use any drugs. I've made six successful donations in the last five years giving two beautiful baby girls and four baby boys. I am open to contact at age 18, but otherwise no parental obligations or rights. You must have medical insurance and the resources to take care of a child. I do not ship, so you must be in the Seattle area
[SAHM] Re: Hi all...
I have been a mystery shopper for years. For fun, I made a video on how to become a mystery shopper
as well as how to be a successful mystery shopper
Warm regards,
--- In Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com, "Stacy" <stacy@...> wrote:
> Welcome Krystal...
> It is not as active as it was before Facebook..lol
> The MS is actually not spam.. In the description of this group
> it does say it includes MS as it is a legitimate way to make
> money in most cases...
> Glad to have you part of this group.
> Best wishes,
> Stacy Perez
> DotComMommies.com
> --- In Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com, "K.B" <kkbrobst@> wrote:
> >
> > I am new here. Hoping that this is an active group and it's not all this spam I am seeing right off the bat with the "shops" listings. I am an Avon rep and love it. I am a SAHM to 3 kids. and I love being home with them.
> >
> > Krystal
> > www.youravon.com/kbrobst
> >
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
Subscribe to the Dot Com Mommies Work At Home Job's newsletter
by going to www.dotcommommies.com
[SAHM] Re: Stacey - how are you doing with
Yes, I was. You had sent out information that peaked my interest. I need to modify my site. I'm having a lot of fun with it. I need to make it look more put together.
--- In Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com, "Stacy" <stacy@...> wrote:
> Katiebeth,
> Not sure if you are talking to me .. but I will still answer this
> whether for me or not..
> I am not doing affiliate marketing right now.. I should be but
> I am not. My hands are in some other things right now that seem
> to be taking all of my time away...Many people make a lot of
> money affiliate marketing.. It can be frustrating as it does
> take time .. and if there is a great niche for whatever you
> are marketing than you can do well with it..
> Your website is very cute!!! You are doing a great job with it. It
> takes time but it seems like you are doing great with it.
> Best wishes,
> Stacy Perez
> DotComMommies.com
> --- In Stay-At-Home-Mommies@yahoogroups.com, "seasidecottage" <Katiebeth103@> wrote:
> >
> > affiliate marketing?
> >
> > I'm looking into that and I have started a website. I'm doing product reviews and videos.
> >
> > http://inourfamilykitchen.com. My website is still under construction. It will be a while before it get's going, but I'm off to an okay start.
> >
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
Subscribe to the Dot Com Mommies Work At Home Job's newsletter
by going to www.dotcommommies.com
Friday, June 29, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] Athletic graduate student donor (Bowling green, ky)
I'm a president's scholar at a local university and president of two organizations at my university. I'm a current member of Mensa with a WAIS-IV IQ score of 152. I'm 22, 5"11 and 170 lbs, have blue eyes and blonde hair. I'm also very athletic as well as I play baseball, hockey and I fence. All of my grandparents are still alive and my great grandparents all live/lived well into their 80's and 90's. We have 3 engineers, 2 attorneys and 2 professors in the immediate family, my father has a PhD and my mother has an MA. I can provide a more detailed outline of my family line if interested with documentation. Thanks for looking! Also, I'm almost tempted to insert a joke because all these "bios" are so dry and lack personality. But I suppose I'll wait until you e-mail me! ; ]
(Bowling green, ky)
[FreeSpermDonors] North East Ohio, Black Donor available
Hello, I'm a 23 year old healthy black good looking man that's here because I'm interested in helping a female conceive through sperm donation. I'm in college and work full time with a promising future and clean record. I dont do drugs and I'm disease free, I've been wanting to do this for a long time. Helping a female get pregnant is the greatest thing and I want to be part of it very soon so email me or call (phone number deleted) so we can set this up. I can provide you with any document you ask for.
[FreeSpermDonors] young NI donor available in PA (N Philadelphia, Montgomeryville)
24 year old, caucasian first-time donor looking to help a woman or couple become pregnant and start a family. I am clean, discreet, healthy, and just wanting to help someone have a baby.
I would prefer NI as I feel it is more personal, but I am willing to discuss. In the Montgomeryville area, several miles north of Philadelphia.
[FreeSpermDonors] 24yo PA donor available
24 year old, caucasian first-time donor looking to help a woman or couple become pregnant and start a family. I am clean, discreet, healthy, and just wanting to help someone have a baby.
[FreeSpermDonors] donor travelling through the south, available in August
I am a documented genius and member of high IQ societies. On a related point, I have several advanced degrees and certificates from prestigious universities. If it matters, I am half Asian and half white.
I am thinking about a road trip from Virginia to Texas and back again in August. Recipients who would like me to stop in their area for donations, would need to cover the cost of a hotel for however many days they require donations. I do not do donations in public places.
If you'd like to talk about having me stop in your town, send me a message. Please include information about your preparations to raise a child, cycle timing, and any known fertility issues (e.g. irregular periods, PCOS, failed attempts in the past, age) that might impact scheduling. Fertility issues do not mean that we can't work together. However, I need to know about them for scheduling purposes.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] Nice european donor available in Stockholm, Sweden
I am nice donor, 38 year old, 5-10/178cm, 175 lbs/75kg, dark blonde hair
and blue eyes, white, athletic and intelligent male available to donate
to a woman that wants a baby. I live in Stockholm, Sweden and I am
std/disease free, good medical history and genes and I have donated
successfully once before. All safe and serious and no mind games, no
charges or expectations other than what is mutually agreed on, how ever
I am not able to travel myself. So if you are willing to travel here
then it would work great. If you are interested feel welcome to contact me.
[FreeSpermDonors] Looking for reliable male donor in the UK, London area with low offspring number
Hi I am 46 year old lady looking for a reliable male donor in the UK, London area.Someone who has not donated too many times would be appreciated. Thank you
[FreeSpermDonors] uk donor ni (Devon)
hi im a uk donor in devon im a single dad get in touch if i can help