Hello everyone.
My name is Jennifer, and I work for Integrity Consultants. I have some shops I need scheduled. These aren't actually mystery shops, but rather promotional work. You will need to be able to stand/walk for 4 hours, handing out scratch cards to customers getting gas as part of their "free gas for life" promotion. The pay is $60 for the four hours. You can choose to take all the days for the area, or just some.
The dates I need to schedule are:
Burlington CO 80807
Ouray CO 81427
Seibert, CO 80834
Stratton CO 80836
Sidney NE 69162
Saturdays: 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28 -- these days are from 9a-1p
Mondays: 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30 – these days are from 7a-11a
The exception I have is Olympia, WA 98513 where I only need the following days:
Sat: 6/30, 7/7, 7/14- 9a-1p
Mon: 7/2, 7/9 – 7a-11a
If you are available to work any of these areas please fill out the registration form and upload a copy of the W9 and a photo ID to http://www.integrityconsultants.us/IntegrityShopperRegistration.html
Then email me at integrityjen@integrityconsultants.net to let me know you have completed that (you can also choose to email the W9/ID if you prefer, I can upload it for you). Once I verify that everything we need is filled out, I will get you set up with the client, and off you go!
If you can do all the days at the Colorado or Nebraska locations, the client will send you a shirt and hat. Otherwise, the dress code is simply a black shirt.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at any time.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Jennifer Tyree
Integrity Consultants
"Your Success is Our Success!" ®
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