Hi, I travel for NI, or do local AI (you must come here and get a hotel). I can ship for $160, send money by paypal to this email. I will not email any medical records for privacy reasons, but I will show you recent test results when we meet in person. Please respond with a picture (your picture gets my picture) if you would like to have the baby of your dreams. I have pictures of me now and as a child, and 10+ children, videos of several also. I am happy to talk on Skype also if you want to see me for real. I travel to most points east of the Mississippi. I was also a twin, and have gotten a woman pregnant with twins. I hope I can help :)
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] DC-area AI/NI donor blond blue eyes 18 kids 5 on the way
[SAHM] Costa Mesa,La Jolla, San Diego, CA - restaurant/brewery shops
Palm Scheduling has fun brewery restaurant shops available! All shops are for 2 Adults (no children) All Brewery Shoppers Must be age 55 or under .
For the below shops, You will fax or scan in receipts. Report is entered online. Payment is made via PayPal or check around 60 days after date of shop.
Dates for shops are available for Aug 1 – Aug 18, 2012. You are eligible to repeat a location every 90 days. If you are RELIABLE, and interested in doing one or more of these, please send ALL information in exact order in an email to: Frances@PalmSchedulingServices.com
Full Name:
Contact Phone #S:
Email Address:
PayPal Address:
What location you would like to shop?
Dates you can shop (provide a one or two day span):
Indicate type of shop (dinner at bar-lunch-dinner dining area):
Are you 55 or under?
What type of shops have you conducted in the past?
Restaurant Brewery locations:
No Thursday evening shops
South Coast Dr. Costa Mesa CA 92626 Dinner at the bar after 6:30
South Coast Dr. Costa Mesa CA 92626 Monday - Wednesday Dinner
Wall Street La Jolla CA 92037 Dinner at the bar after 6:30
Columbia Street San Diego CA 92101 Friday - Sunday Dinner
Columbia Street San Diego CA 92101 Dinner at the bar after 6:30
Columbia Street San Diego CA 92101 Monday - Wednesday Dinner
Scranton Road San Diego CA 92126 Lunch - Weekdays only
Scranton Road San Diego CA 92126 Dinner at the bar after 6:30 M,T,W,F
Dinner or Lunch in the dining area: Report pay is $5.00 and reimbursement up to $75.00 food/drink
Dinner at Bar: Report pay is $10.00 and reimbursement up to $75.00
Alcohol is a required purchase.
Important: In the subject line place the word "Brewery" and the city name of the location you wish to shop. If you do not list the city in the subject line, I will not be able to locate your email when I search by city. Many shoppers are not listing the city in the subject line.
REMEMBER; if you are assigned a location you will receive further instructions via email. You must confirm receiving the instructions. If you do not receive a reply, the location has been scheduled. We appreciate your support.
Thank you,
Frances Massengale, Scheduler
Palm Scheduling Services
Register in our new mystery shopper database here:
Visit this FB page to find more jobs or list where you shop!
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
Subscribe to the Dot Com Mommies Work At Home Job's newsletter
by going to www.dotcommommies.com
[SAHM] Italian restaurant shops
Hello Shoppers,
Palm Scheduling has delicious Italian restaurant shops available. Report is entered online. You will fax or scan in receipts. Payment is made via check or PayPal within 60 days of the shop. You may repeat a location every 3 months.
If you are RELIABLE and interested in doing one or more of these, please send ALL this information in this exact order in an email to: Frances@PalmSchedulingServices.com
Important: In the subject line put words "Italian Restaurant" AND CITY you wish to shop.
Full Name:
Contact Phone Numbers:
Email Address:
PayPal Address:
Address Location you want to shop ______
Choice: (Ex: Take Out, Dine Lunch or Dinner …) (Please note what is available for the location): _____
Dates you will shop (provide one or two days):
What type of shops have you conducted in the past?
Reimbursements for Italian Restaurants:
Dine In Dinner or Lunch Report Pay $5.00 Food Reimbursement up to $55.00
Dine In: Up to two adults (no children)
Take Out: Reimbursement up to $45.00
Now Available: (sorted by city)
Dates Available Aug 6 - Aug 25
Larchmont Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90004 Restaurant Lunch
Larchmont Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90004 Take-out After 5:00
Pico Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90064 Dinner after 5:00 Friday-Sunday
Pico Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90064 Restaurant Lunch
Colorado Blvd. Pasadena CA 91105 Restaurant Lunch
26th St. Santa Monica CA 90402 Restaurant Lunch
26th St. Santa Monica CA 90402 Take-out After 5:00
Montana Ave. Santa Monica CA 90403 Dinner after 5:00 Friday-Sunday
Montana Ave. Santa Monica CA 90403 Restaurant Lunch
Montana Ave. Santa Monica CA 90403 Take-out After 5:00
Important: In the subject line place the word "Italian restaurant" and the city name of the location you wish to shop. If you do not list the city in the subject line, I will not be able to locate your email when I search by city. Many shoppers are not listing the city in the subject line. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
Frances Massengale, Scheduler
Palm Scheduling Services
Register in our new mystery shopper database here:
Visit this FB page to find more jobs or list where you shop!
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
Subscribe to the Dot Com Mommies Work At Home Job's newsletter
by going to www.dotcommommies.com
[FreeSpermDonors] NI, PI or AI donor available in Raleigh, NC
I'm an attractive male 31, 5'8", 160, green eyes & brown hair. Good genetics & health. I am looking to donate either NI, PI or AI in the Raleigh, NC and surrounding area's. I am d/d free (Last tested 07/30/2012). Contact me for more information.
I'm not working now so I have more time. I can travel but expect help in travel expenses unless you come to me.
I'm on YIM: raleighplayman1
email: raleighplayman1@yahoo
Skype: raleigh.playman1
Monday, July 30, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] Lesbian Couple Looking for Donor (willing to travel anywhere in Texas)
We would love to have a child together and seek a donor to help. We are a loving couple with a 9 year old son. Willing to travel anywhere in Texas to make this happen. Help us make our dream come true. Any race just good health important.
[SAHM] Have your own bonanza booth or sell with us!
Have your own bonanza booth or sell with us!
There two ways to sell on Bonanza booth now, you can have your own store or you can sell with us.
The best way is to set up your own booth and I add the banner, profile and products for you. You provide me with the information. Store is free bonanza charges you 3% on sales. You need paypal to take orders. The orders go to you.
Don't have paypal? Sell with us!
If you don't want to mess with paypal or perhaps you don't have a credit card you want to use on line you can sell with us from our store for a small set up fee and 6% for paypal/bonanza fees. No paypal needed or debit/cc needed. The orders go to us we can send you paypal to do the orders or we can place the order for you and send you commission check (via postal money order). If you do not have paypal, I can send you a postal money order. If you do not have paypal it may be best I order the products for you, and send you the commission due to time frame of orders. I charge 10% on that and set up fee. Great way to sell if you don't have a bank with debit card. We like to have orders placed within 24-48 hrs.
I have two booths one is Nowa's Marketplace Booth and the other one is Nowa's Healthy Living. You can sell from the booth that fits your business.
You be able to see on our site we advertise everywhere!
Start selling today! Choose your way that works for you! When we advertise for us we be advertising for you too… As little as $10 to get you started!
http://nowasnetwork.com/bonanza.html order your store here
check out the mall advertise with us… plus we have a drawing and some great buys!
Please like us on facebook
Judy Nowakowski
Nowa's Network LLC
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
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by going to www.dotcommommies.com
[SAHM] Work for AVON!
I recently started working for AVON, and I love it! Their products are affordable, easy to sell, and it's not just makeup. They have toys, clothes, jewelry, kitchen supplies, home decor...all kinds of great items! There's even products for men. I'm eager to start developing a sales team. There's a $10 one-time, startup fee, and that includes a personal website and starter kit, with brochures and information on how to sell AVON. As an AVON rep, you can also help raise money for community organizations via our Fundraising program. On personal sales, you can start earning 20% commission. On Fundraisers, you earn 50% commission. Feel free to check out my AVON site and to contact me.
Nicole Gleason
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
Subscribe to the Dot Com Mommies Work At Home Job's newsletter
by going to www.dotcommommies.com
Sunday, July 29, 2012
[SAHM] Earn Free Tupperware and Money Too
Earn Free Tupperware and Money Too
Now Hiring Tupperware Helpers
Tupperware Helpers: Earn Money and Tupperware Too
Want to earn some money with Tupperware but not sure you want to commit
to being a consultant?
Want to earn Free Tupperware but need to earn money too?
If you answered yes to either of these two questions then consider being
one of my Tupperware Paid Helpers.
My Helpers earn 15% of the Tupperware they sell and also get host credit
for those sales.
Sign up to be one of my Tupperware Helpers
More Details
I provide you with catalogs, sales fliers, and order forms.
You join my Helpers Yahoo Group so I can inform you of any one week
sales that can help you build your sales.
You collect orders and payment
I order the Tupperware and ship it directly to you.
I provide bags to pack your orders and little gifts to put inside their
You earn host credit and 15% commission
Sign up to be one of my Tupperware Helpers
Visit my Tupperware Helper Information page below if you need more
Tupperware Helper Website
My Tupperware Website <http://www.twplastics.com/>
Hope to hear from you soon. Look forward to helping your earn money and
free Tupperware.
Donna Loudon
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
Subscribe to the Dot Com Mommies Work At Home Job's newsletter
by going to www.dotcommommies.com
[FreeSpermDonors] Lesbian Couple Searching for NI (or AI) donor in Virginia or Tennessee!
We are a lesbian couple of 5 years and we would love nothing more than to have a child together! We have tried AI a few other times and have not been successful thus far! We are willing to try NI if the right donor match is found! The donor must be in Virginia or Tennessee or willing to travel to us if further away! We live in Virginia, but live very close to the Tri Cities Area of Tennessee! Donors must be free of any diseases and std's and must provide proof! Donor must also be fit, healthy and have an over all nice appearance. Race does not matter, as long as a healthy child is conceived! If interested please e-mail us back with all details, info and photos. Thanks you!
[FQ, moderator: success rates with AI done with fresh sperm are comparable with that observed with NI. Many recipients get pregnant on 1st cycle of AI, and there are also women who don't fall pregnant fast through conventional intercourse. Normally, medical attention is only sought after one has been trying for a year - ie 8-12 cycles, at the correct times... Before that, it is random - some couples simply take time to get pregnant]
[FreeSpermDonors] Donor from Eastern Idaho Wanted
I'm open if you want to NI. This will be my first child. I've always wanted to be a mom. I'm a curvy white woman, with brown hair and blue eyes. I'm looking for an intelligent fellow who lives in Eastern Idaho, as I live just north of Idaho Falls. If you want to be involved as a parent, that's fine with me, as long as you are appropriate. The child would be my priority.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
[FreeSpermDonors] Mid-Michigan A/I donor
Hello I am a 29 year old donor from mid-michigan. I have brown hair, blue eyes and stand at 6ft 1in. I am white. my grandma was 100% german. I am willing to help single females or couples. I do not wish to co-parent.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] Donor needed in Indiana
I am a single white female. With her bachelors in criminal justice. I have my own home and car! I am not ready to settle down yet with a man but i would like a child! I live in Indiana
[FreeSpermDonors] Donor in Montreal, Quebec (AI or NI)
I am an attractive, healthy, fit, well-educated 39 year old white man. I have
had a number of successes as a donor, with conception achieved several times on
the first try. I have a recent std test, and everything was clean. I would
prefer to find a recipient either in the Montreal area, eastern Ontario, or
northern NY/Vermont.
[FreeSpermDonors] 6'3" Caucasian AI donor available in NYC and the San Francisco Bay Area
I travel frequently between Northern California and New York City, so if you live in NYC, Northern New Jersey, southern Connecticut, or somewhere between San Francisco, San Jose, Oakland, Berkeley, and the surrounding area, I may be able to help out.
My basic profile is:
- 6'3" tall
- born 1982
- White, of Western European descent
- Blond
- In great shape (work out regularly, healthy diet, no medical issues)
- Very well educated
- Drug/disease/drama free
If you're interested, please drop me a line!
Friday, July 27, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] Seeking sperm from donor in NYC area
Please only contact me if you are from manhattan,Brooklyn,Bronx and willing to meet half way. I ' seeking someone over 5'8 or taller ands smart .