Have your own bonanza booth or sell with us!
There two ways to sell on Bonanza booth now, you can have your own store or you can sell with us.
The best way is to set up your own booth and I add the banner, profile and products for you. You provide me with the information. Store is free bonanza charges you 3% on sales. You need paypal to take orders. The orders go to you.
Don't have paypal? Sell with us!
If you don't want to mess with paypal or perhaps you don't have a credit card you want to use on line you can sell with us from our store for a small set up fee and 6% for paypal/bonanza fees. No paypal needed or debit/cc needed. The orders go to us we can send you paypal to do the orders or we can place the order for you and send you commission check (via postal money order). If you do not have paypal, I can send you a postal money order. If you do not have paypal it may be best I order the products for you, and send you the commission due to time frame of orders. I charge 10% on that and set up fee. Great way to sell if you don't have a bank with debit card. We like to have orders placed within 24-48 hrs.
I have two booths one is Nowa's Marketplace Booth and the other one is Nowa's Healthy Living. You can sell from the booth that fits your business.
You be able to see on our site we advertise everywhere!
Start selling today! Choose your way that works for you! When we advertise for us we be advertising for you too… As little as $10 to get you started!
http://nowasnetwork.com/bonanza.html order your store here
check out the mall advertise with us… plus we have a drawing and some great buys!
Please like us on facebook
Judy Nowakowski
Nowa's Network LLC
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