I am cordially inviting everyone to join my mall
I wanted to invite you to join my mall…
fanpage mall
https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nowas-Marketplace-Mall/419986078054298 please drop by and like us. Even if you don't want to join the mall you may want to hear about our contests and chat parties.
We going to have fun this winter! I am going to have contest, drawings, possibility of online parties for the holidays and more. We will have vendor of the
month too.
I am going be doing info packs to promote the business too where we can give out our business cards and post cards to shoppers and buyers.
Please come by and link our page so you can get specials of what we will be offering
Join us here>>> http://nowasnetwork.com/join_the_mall_for.htm I need your link to your site and button if you have one.
$2 to be added to facebook mall, $5 you can be on both the fanpage mall and the website mall
If you don't have a button no worry I make you one.
https://www.facebook.com/events/324454774314699/?context=create facebook event
Judy Nowakowski
Nowa's Network LLC
It is available worldwide: www.facebook.com/wahps
Just click the like button on the FB page, and you will
see work at home jobs and opportunities as I post them.
It costs nothing.
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