Tuesday, September 4, 2012

[FreeSpermDonors] Lesbian couple in Columbus, Ohio looking for AI donor.


My wife and I are looking for an AI donor. We have been going through cryobanks for months now with no luck and are truly wanting to have a child (I am the one to carry - if it ever happens). We want the donor to remain annoyomous in the child's life.

Please contact if you are interested in helping us and/or have questions.

Thank you!

[from group owner ML: I'd recommend that you choose a donor who will
be traceable when any children are 18, should they wish to make contact.

From the group welcome message:
"The main reason I run this group is because I believe that donor-
conceived people have a basic right to know who their genetic father
is, so I always advise against totally anonymous donation."

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