Monday, October 28, 2013

RE: [FreeSpermDonors] New Northwest Ohio sperm donor


I would prefer AI, yes. From what I've read so far, my understanding is that it's the easiest way to minimize both the risk of disease and child support issues.

As far as involvement with the children, there's a bit of flexibility on my end. I'll probably be moving around too much to have any sort of in-person relationship with them, but I definitely would at least want to make myself available to the parents in case anything of a genetic or behavioral nature came up.

Apart from that, I would assume most of the ACTUAL parents would want to raise the children their own way without my interference. At least, I know I would.

Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 07:27:16 -0700
Subject: Re: [FreeSpermDonors] New Northwest Ohio sperm donor

Are you wanting to do AI? What type of involvement if any are you wanting to have if a child is conceived?
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From: John Smith <>;
To: <>;
Subject: [FreeSpermDonors] New Northwest Ohio sperm donor
Sent: Sat, Oct 26, 2013 11:21:45 PM


Hello, everyone. My name is John Smith, and after a few years of soul searching, I've finally decided to become a private sperm donor.

I'm extremely new to this, so please forgive any minor transgressions (though feel free to call me out on them if you wish). I imagine my metrics, aptitudes, and temperament are what most prospective recipients are interested in, so I'll jump to those now.

I'm 30 years old, approximately 6'2" tall, and weight in at about 210 lbs.
I'm a blonde-haired Caucasian, and my eye color may be blue, green, or grey at any given time.
My natural build is lean and slender.
My interests include Neurology, Endocrinology, Psychology, Sociology, Genealogy, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Business Management, (stock) trading, skydiving, long distance (bi)cycling, weight lifting and exercise in general.
I have completed a bachelor's program, and am now working on my Master's degree

I'm an INTJ according to the MBTI, and most of the assessments that you'd find at the top of a web search DO describe me fairly well. My type is basically assertive, results-driven, highly analytical, and can also seem pretty intense at times.

The closest major cities to me are Toledo, OH, or Fort Wayne, IN, but I'd be willing to rendezvous with others in the tri-state area who are willing to meet me halfway.

If there are any other questions, feel free to email me.

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