Tuesday, April 26, 2011

[SAHM] Badged Newark NJ - Airport Shoppers Needed


Looking for Badged Shoppers for Newark Airport - New Jersey Mystery Shops


The Sentry Marketing Group is now looking for shoppers how have access to the Newark Airport in NJ. You must be a badged shopper to do this shop.

This shop is a casual dining shop - hamburgers, milkshakes and more!

Pays: $35 flat

If you have access, we would love your help with this shop.


To sign up with us, go to www.sentrymarketing.com<http://www.sentrymarketing.com> click on Prospective Evaluator and follow the application.


* Email Jennifer@sentrymarketing.com<mailto:Jennifer@sentrymarketing.com> and let her know you are a badged shopper and are willing to shop the Newark Airport.

Hope to hear from you!

Thank you!

Jennifer Barrick

Email: Jennifer@sentrymarketing.com
Title: Scheduler/Editor
Website: www.sentrymarketing.com

Other Forms of Contact:
*Google Talk: SMGJen
*FAX: 505.214.1366

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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