Thursday, June 23, 2011

[FreeSpermDonors] Looking For The Perfect Donor a journey...Still Searching (FL)


No one said this road to finding the perfect donor would be an easy one. At times it gets rather stressful talking to various people getting to know them: some are rude, some are genuine, and some just pretend to care. And in the back of your head as you eliminate potential donors you think to yourself am I making the right decision?

Well I myself can attest to all these feelings. After my idea of screening is done im left feeling like the judges do on American Idol hoping I have chosen the right candidate. Well heres the thing after speaking with various potential donors in the State of Florida and even some out of State I find myself back on here looking for a genuine person who really is looking to make a difference in another persons life.

Im 23 African American healthy and Im looking for a healthy candidate as well. So hopefully I can find the right one this time because I really want to be a mommy. For all the donors that have been there for recipients and are truly there to make a difference thank you.

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