Have some fun this weekend. Looking for shopper by end of June.
Get Out of the House and Enjoy a Fun Bowling Shop
Have fun with your friends or family – go bowling! This shop must include 2 games of bowling for at least 2 people, 1 shoe rental, a purchase at the snack bar, a purchase at the bar and a visit to the game room. You can use coupons if they are available on the client's website but you must see if the employees ask you first. The shop pays $50 if you spend at least $39. This shop can be performed after 6pm on weekdays and noon on weekends. You must be at least 21 to apply for this shop. Email Nancy Biggio nabiggio@comcast.net or register with Service Performance Group at spgweb.com or www.sassieshop.com/2serviceperformance.
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