Hello shopper,
I have an Oil Change Shop that needs done.
Shopping Dates: Anytime they are open between today and Friday, August 5
Shopper's Pay: $18 plus reimbursement of the oil lube and filter
Shop Requirements: Ask for a standard Oil, Lube & Filter package; you can not do the same location you did in April
84 Lynden Rd.
Brantford ON N3R 5V1
1 Water Street E.
Cornwall ON K6H 6M2
455 Ottawa St. N.
Hamilton ON L8H 4A3
2910 Eglinton Ave.
Scarborough ON M1J 3E6
925 Ellesmere Ave.
Scarborough ON M1P 2W7
901 Exmouth St.
Sarnia ON N7T 5R3
2639 Dundas St.
Toronto ON M6P 1X9
* Book an appointment by calling your assigned store. Ask for a standard Oil, Lube & Filter package.
* Do not bring a car that is in terrible shape. They might be unwilling to change the oil etc if they think it is unsafe to drive.
* Learn the questions before going to the shop and review them again before you go in. (Never let them see the survey form.) Take a little bathroom break if you want to review the details.
* Fill out and submit your report online in the Prophet system within 24 hours.
To be reimbursed, either a) scan / photograph your receipt and upload it into Prophet or b) fax it within 24-48 hours of completing the shop.
Interested? Please register at http://prophet.mystery-shopping.com
Then either self-assign the shop or email me the following:
1. Name
2. Email address:
2. Date you will do shop
3. ID of the location(s) that you can do (you can do more than one, but you must have a different vehicle):
Thank you.
Coast to Coast Scheduling Services
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