Thursday, June 7, 2012

[FreeSpermDonors] Need AI in NC


We are looking for a sperm donor to donate soon! My fiancée and I are a
stable, committed couple. We just bought a house and will be moving soon :) and
we are excited to start a family.

So far I am using OPKs, temping, taking prenatals, and doing all kinds of
research. Meeting more than once in a cycle would be helpful since I am
new to tracking ovulation.

As for the future, we do want more children and so I would like a donor that
could donate for future siblings. As of now it is decided that I will be the
only one to carry the children. If a child is concieved we would like very
little to no contact until after the child is 18. At that time the child could
contact the donor for genetic information, origin reasons or whatever else.

We want a commitment from a potential donor. We want to have a donor picked and
ready to roll for when the time comes around. I don't want to get to
insemination time and have no donor all of the sudden. It would be heartbreaking
to get that far and then have to wait another cycle because someone fell

Anyways, if you are interested please email us at babycampbell422 at g mail dot com

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