I am scheduling fitness center shops on behalf of Service Research. This shop is a tour of the fitness facility. The shop takes about 15-20 minutes to perform. You will need to make a pre-visit phone call and then visit the location. A successfully completed shop is paying $15. The shop must be completed on 6/21.
If you are interested in the shop do the following:
1)Please sign up at http://www.serviceresearch.com/
2) Email me after you sign at: june@ramackscheduling.com with the "fitness" in the subject line along with the location you are interested in shopping
3) Please include your name, email address and phone number in your email
Before you e-mail me, please make sure that I'm in your address book and/or "safe senders" list - especially if you have an e-mail address with Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL or Comcast.
The locations that I needed filled are:
West DesMoines-50265
Overland Park-66212
Thank you for your time and I look forward to adding you to our team of shoppers!
June Raeder-MacKinnon, scheduler
920-946-4895 (CST)
RaMack Scheduling Services scheduling on behalf of Service Research Corporation
For more more shopping opportunities, please sign up at: http://www.mystshopsol.com/ramack/shopent.asp
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