Denver CO
Westminster CO
Indianapolis IN
Utica MI
Maple Grove MN
St. Louis MO
Omaha NE
Tulsa OK
Wauwatosa WI
LUNCH, DINNER, and LATE NIGHT! I am scheduling yummy shops at a hip and fun gaming restaurant for adults!
This shop pays a FLAT $100 fee! You are required to bring at least one guest (21 years and older only -- No Children) and you must purchase the following:
(1) ONE $20 power card -- You will have to gain at least 50 tickets to take to the Winner’s Circle.
(2) TWO entrees (must be different.)
(3) ONE appetizer.
(4) ONE drink from the bar â€" this does not have to be alcoholic if you do not want.
You must upload the receipt showing all of these purchases. Let me know if you have any questions about this shop prior to applying. * If you are registering as a new shopper, please list me as your referral. (Under "Other" enter Tracy Dallmeyer)
Thank you and I look forward to working with you!
Tracy Dallmeyer
Summit Scheduling & Editing
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