2 "HEALTH FOODS" are secretly making you FAT
Big food companies have been fooling us for years
They package up a big slew of crappy ingredients and
preservatives, and then slap some creative marketing
on it and suddenly we all think it's a "HEALTH FOOD"
You've been lied to. Lied to by the fitness magazines,
lied to by the government and lied to by the food
Lies such as
-> You need to eat "low calorie" to lose fat
-> You should do long, slow cardio to put your body
in the "fat burning zone"
-> You should eat plenty of whole grains to stay
healthy and lean
-> Losing fat is a slow & steady process
This is what makes you fat!!!!!
Aren't you getting sick and tired of buying product
after product,report after report, listening to bogus
TV ads about foods, weight cure pills and a host of
other so called cure/info scams. Well, check this out!
My friend Vic Magary who's a world known personal trainer
& former ARMY soldier just made a really cool video
exposing 2 of the biggest so called "health foods" that
are secretly making you fat
Check out the FREE video here
Enjoy and find out what I did!!!
I like to call it "The DEATH of CARDIO".
Nakita/Larry R
P.S. Vic told me he's going to be pulling the video
down soon, so make sure you check it out now. I think
you're gonna be STUNNED by what he reveals in the video
And the best part is, you don't even need any equipment
You can just use your bodyweight for the simple
15 minute workout.
Check it out here
To your Healthy Prosperous New Year
Nakita/Larry R.
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