Just as a brief aside. The current case below is a statistical exception because all 3 successful donations were to the same woman.
This is a special case, because some women are simply highly fertile, and some less fertile. If someone is fertile and donates to a highly fertile woman, it is not unlikely to see a string of 1st cycle conceptions.
For example, I had 4 1st cycle successes with my wife (3 kids, 1 mc); 4 out of 5 conception successes with the AI recipient CP were also on 1st cycle, and one on 2nd (2 kids, 1mc, 1 successful pregnancy) over the span of 6 cycles tried in total.
How often is it? Not very very often, but you do see high fertility women from time to time...
[from group owner ML: Any further discussion to the other site please:
--- In FreeSpermDonors@yahoogroups.com, "nimajangatu" <nimajangatu@...> wrote:
> Hi I am based in Engarlund and have just got a picture of the third successful birth of a baby boy to a family. This is their 3rd baby and I am their only donor so all the babies have the same donor.
> Just a note: This pregnancies occurred on the first time I donate. I think its because the husband has researched very deep and knows the wife very well that when they say its time, I only have to wait for 2 days for a positive confirmation of the pregnancy and I keep in touch with them. We are very good friends.
> If you wish to please get in touch and we can arrange all particulars and I can send you some pictures to see for yourself.
> Thanks.
> [from group owner ML: Congratulations on three successful births.
> Pregnancy on the first cycle is unusual though, and even an above
> averagely fertile donor and recipient would typically take 3-5 cycles
> to get pregnant.
> It would always take a lot longer than two days to have a positive
> pregnancy test btw. Even with the early tests (which I'd recommend
> against, it would still be around ten days from insemination to being
> able to test for pregnancy.
> ]
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
[FreeSpermDonors] Re: EU and UK Donor with 3 first time success stories [Lincolnshire, UK]