Cover letters are still necessary, and in a competitive market they can give you a serious edge if they are written and presented effectively.
Cover letters are a graceful l way to introduce yourself, to convey your personality and to impress a hiring manager with your experience and your writing skills, said Katy Piotrowski, an author of career books and a career counselor based in Fort Collins, Colo. You can also tailor them to a specific company in ways that you cannot with a résumé.
There are many candidates having brilliant results but unfortunately they are not getting a single interview call..
Forget about job offers... many people see months fly by without
landing ONE decent job INTERVIEW.
The cover letter carry's an important part in job application.
Most job seekers don't have a clue about getting their "foot in
the door" for a job opening... not a clue.
It's no secret we're living in some of the most stressful and difficult times in years — and today's job market is a killer.
Be A Best Seller - Treat your cover letter like a book jacket for your resume. The potential interviewer will "judge the book by its cover" when it comes to your cover letter and resume so make sure that yours is the best it can be.
Kerry Spivey
I'd like to Introduce Myself lf: Cover Letters Today - A cover letter could be your only chance to catch the attention of hiring managers. This article gives you some tips to making a positive first impression with the cover letter.
Cover Letters are King - The Dos and Don'ts - A cover letter is the ticket to having your resume read. Writing a great cover letter has been made simpler with this article covering the does and don'ts of cover letter writing.
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