Friday, January 25, 2013

[SAHM] Re: new mom with 4 week old


One thing that really help me was lots of family helping hands. I tried to sleep when baby was asleep and had my other child at least have quite time for an hour if she couldn't sleep when I did. I hope this helps.

--- In, "ryrysmommy702" wrote:
> Yes, Yes and yes. I already have a 4 year old but I have a 6 week old little boy. I understand your pain lol. I cant go anywhere and plus the lack of sleep don't really want to..
> --- In, "jenkerncali" wrote:
> >
> > I'm a new mom who recently gave birth to a baby girl. I'm on maternity leave for 4 months and I'm already getting cabin fever!
> >
> > Are there other moms out there who felt this way this early in their mat leave?
> >
> > What are some things I can do as a mom with an infant at home?
> >

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