Sunday, January 27, 2013

[SAHM] Re: Hi My name is Sharleen


Hi Sharleen, you should consider blogging as a tool to get your craft creations out to a larger audience. There are so many tools use can use online to create an income for yourself.


--- In, "sharscreations" wrote:
> I am a stay at home mom and have been for 19 years off and on. When my children were babies I stayed at home most of the time. I was a waitress for a short time when they were babies. When they got a little older and just about school age I got a temp job that turned into a full time job working for a health insurance company in customer service. I loved my job there. Then I became disabled and unable to perform my duties. Then I was a full time stay at home mom who is was in constant pain. I still deal with the pain but I have learned to cope with it. I am actually looking to be a working mom from home in some capacity. I can't really become a secret shopper because I don't do any of the shopping. My wonderful husband does that. However I am on the computer all the time. I also do many crafts like beading, knitting, crocheting, writing, drawing, painting, sewing and quilting. I would love to be able to have an at home business of my own where I sell my arts and crafts. If I could go to the fairs and such I would but that just doesn't work for me and my limitations. I would love to have any kind of suggestions that are cheap or free to get an online business started if possible. My husband is out of work at the time and my Social Security check doesn't even cover our rent now that my children are 18 and over.

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