1) NAME: Glenn
EMAIL: mercer_glenn@yahoo.com
Age Group: 48 yrs, youthful looking
Height: 5ft6ins-5ft8ins
Natural Hair Colour: Dark Brown
Ethnicity: White/ Caucasian
Eye Colour: Brown
Blood Type: A +
Relevant Health History: Over all very good general health
Marital Status: Single
Highest level of Education: Post Secondary Degree
Current Job/ Career Healthcare
Reasons for Joining: To help some one with the Miracle of life...
Type of Donor: Undecided
TYPE OF CONCEPTION: Artificial Insemination only and if you live away from Newfoundland,
Donor Home Delivery allows your donor to ship sperm with a non-toxic preservative on a cold pack so it will remain viable for insemination.
Any involvement After Conception ?
: My reason for joining here is not to be a completely anonymous donor....
The level of contact would depend on the person or couple with whom I may donate to.
A minimal contact would be a letter and photo once a year to let me know how he or she is doing and what they look like as they grow up, and may be a
small gift once a year on their birthday...
I would also be open to some form of co parenting, with the birth mom or birth parents taking the lead in how much contact there would be...
It would depend on what we both feel comfortable with...
Hobbies and Interests
: I have a variety of hobbies and interests.
I absolutely love the outdoors, camping, fishing and hiking. I am a certified scuba diver...
I have a average athletic build.
I love all forms of music, cultural, classical, R&B, to the top ten...
I tend to do very well in the art of science....... Chemistry, biology, anatomy and physiology, lead me to my professional career in the health care field.
On a personal side I have an interest in Astronomy, palaeontology and almost any thing else that lives, grows on our wonderful planet.
Photography is also one of my passions; I take pictures of almost every thing.
I almost forgot to mention, I love to cook.....
Personality Traits
: I have been told I have a great sense of humour, love to laugh and carry on, life is just too short not to have fun and smile....
I am an extremely patient man and do not anger easily...
I tend to put small children and animals at ease when I walk in to a room, not sure if that is a personality trait, but it do come in handy..... lol
I do my best work under pressure or stress. Professionally and personally, both co-workers and family tend to migrate towards me during a crisis as I problem solve and react quickly in a time of need.
The one negative thing I have to say is that I cannot spell, if the word is longer than cat, then I have to reach for my dictionary. Ok may be I can do better than three letter words, but thank god for spell check.....
Honesty, Integrity and Humanity is my bedrock.
I have found spirituality in love, peace and the common good of all mankind, not so much in organized religion. Although I do believe in God.
Now don't get me wrong, I am not a saint. I swear and have a cold beer on occasion when the need arises.
After all I am a man…..... lol
I am very open to single women, married and lesbian couples..
I have found the one thing missing in my life is children, even though I may have only minimal contact, I still wish to have children...!
With the right person or couple I would like to share more than one. There is nothing more like a family than a brother or sister...!
I am not a rocket scientist or super athletic, if you are looking for those qualities you may have to view some more profiles...
I am though a clean-cut nice guy who wishes to have children. I am told that I am good looking, but that is best left for others to say.
I wish every one on here the best of luck in finding who they are looking for and of course most importantly, Healthy Happy Children...!
I am also open to a role reversal and finding a surrogate mom, where I would raise the child and they could visit as they wish...
Co-parenting is cool with me also....!
You can be any where world wide....!
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